Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Relax, the kids will be just fine...

But... what about the children?? 
I hear it ALL the time when advocating for safe and legal access to cannabis. 
My response?? Relax, the kids will be just fine. 

"Grucza's study adds to a growing body of research showing that changes to marijuana policy have had a much smaller effect on teenage drug use than once feared. A paper published in Lancet Psychiatry last year found that passing medical-marijuana laws had no effect on teen marijuana use at the state level. Other large surveys of adolescents, such as the Monitoring the Future Study, find that in recent years teen marijuana use has been flat. State-level federal survey data shows little change in teen marijuana use, even in states that have legalized it for adults."
‪#‎EducateNormalizeLegalize‬ ‪#‎StopTheHarm‬


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