Saturday, May 21, 2016

Medical Geographical Discrimination

Discrimination: the practice of unfairly treating a person or group of people differently from other people or groups of people.

Geographical medical discrimination: Making a medication or a treatment option available to one group of people while denying access to another group of people based solely on the geographical location they reside in. (Josephine C. Krehl)

So, using this line of reasoning, I have a couple of questions…

1) Do “We the People” have a medical discrimination suit against the Federal Government for setting up a system that inherently discriminates against people who wish to use cannabis as an alternative treatment option but are denied the ability because they live in an “illegal” State while this very option is made available to someone else living in a “legal" State?

2) Can “We the People” hold the Federal Government complicit in all the deaths, in all the suffering, of all the individuals as well as their loved ones who sat helplessly by, since the Federal Government learned of and suppressed the discovery that cannabis induces programmed cell death (apoptosis) in cancer cells?

On the morning after an old friend reaches out desperately searching for options for another friends’ 14 year old daughter battling brain cancer, wanting to learn about cannabis as a treatment option but because it is prohibited, they’re just not sure where to turn, so after 32 years, they find me.

On the morning after we lose another brave Cannabis Warrior, another Casualty of this stupid, ineffective, destructive “War on Drugs” (more like war on humanity if you ask me) this is what my “Social Work” brain ruminates on.

How does one find “lasting” Peace when this is how one goes to sleep and how one wakes up? Story, after story, heartache after heartache, all crammed into a tired, tormented, trauma filled brain.

When do we end it, how do we end it? How much longer will it take, how many more people will have to die?… When will we finally decide, as a Country, that it is time to... #StopTheHarm??


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