Saturday, June 18, 2016

More Trauma Inflicted By the Failed "War On Drugs"

In October 2015, the San Francisco Daily News reported:

"Congress passed an amendment to the Justice Department's budget that prohibited the feds from "spending funds" to interfere with state medical marijuana law. While the Controlled Substance Act is untouched and cannabis is still a Schedule I drug, the intent, in the words of bill co-sponsor U.S. Rep. Sam Farr, was to assure the law-abiding California cannabis industry that "the Feds just can't come in and bust you."

Two nights ago, Care By Design facilities were raided in Santa Rosa California despite assurances from the "Feds" that they would not interfere with Organizations complying with State laws. Another example of how the Federal Government can really do whatever it is they want to do. It is sick and sad, that people continue to be victimized and traumatized as a result of the miserably failed "War on Drugs".

4 months ago, Russ Bellville caught up with my Colleague, friend and fellow "Families for Sensible Drug Policy" team member, Dale Schafer in an interview, I invite you to take some time and hear what they've got to say.

I believe it's important for us to know "where we came from" as we move forward to "where we're going". Thanks to those who have payed a great price for helping those in need.
#EducateNormalizeLegalize #IntentionsMatter

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