I have had multiple conversations, with multiple people regarding Mr. Mel Sembler, none of them have been very pleasant. All of these people are interested in communicating directly with Mel, they have a few questions they'd like to ask him on his "No on 2" anti-medical cannabis campaign in Florida.
Certain things spur me to action, and that "action" in me has been spurred, so I figured I'd share some horrendous truths that I have discovered thus far.
Apparently, Mr. Sembler wears the fact that he founded an abusive drug treatment facility that tortured, tormented and traumatized thousands of adolescents and duped their parents into believing that their children were being well cared for and that their substance use disorders (which many of them didn't even have) were being effectively "treated".
Before they led Save Our Society from Drugs and it's sister nonprofit, the Drug Free America Foundation, Mel and his wife Betty were at the helm of Straight Inc. Straight Inc. was an adolescent drug treatment facility that operated from 1976 through 1993.
One doesn't have to go far to find torrid stories from former "residents" of the program. Stories of brutal beatings, rape, and systematic psychological as well as emotional abuses. Investigators found that Straight Inc. subjected teens to "unusual punishment, infliction of pain, humiliation, intimidation, ridicule, coercion, threats, mental abuse... and interference with daily living functions such as eating, sleeping, and toileting."
I have read reports where a 13 yr. old female resident at the Tampa Straight Inc. clinic says she was locked in a room, and forced to wear clothes stained with feces, urine and menstrual blood, a punishment referred to by staff as "humble pants".
In 1984, 60 minutes did an expose on Straight Inc. Amazingly, the program remained in existence until 1993. I could go on and on about Straight Inc., but instead I'll just provide the link to the 60 minute piece and those who are interested can simply click on the link to learn more for themselves:
So, back to Mel. As I mentioned earlier, instead of being outraged at the atrocities that were perpetrated on American teens, the founder of the program touts his creation as a "badge of honor" on his Corporate bio. stating " Although best known as a leading shopping center developer, Sembler is also renowned for his activism in the anti-drug movement. In 1976, Sembler and his wife Betty founded STRAIGHT, an adolescent drug treatment program. During its 17 years of existence, STRAIGHT successfully graduated more than 12,000 young people nationwide from its remarkable program. He is nationally recognized as an activist in the anti-drug campaign and as a staunch, long-time supporter of the Republican Party and its candidates."
To read Mr. Sembler's full bio. please click here:
Mr. Sembler may or may not still serve as Chair Emeritus of the Sembler Company, one of the Nation's most recognized shopping center developers. I have not verified if he in fact still holds this position, although I imagine that he does.
I guess between running drug treatment centers, the Foundation for a Drug Free America, Save Our Society from Drugs and being a real estate and development mogel, Mr. Sembler has plenty of money to throw at the "Vote No on 2" campaign opposing medical cannabis in Florida. It would make sense, of course someone who has built a fortune and continues to reap financial benefit from the failed "War on Drugs" and Cannabis Prohibition would want to block any reform of antiquated, archaic, oppressive and destructive cannabis laws. The current structure serves him and his minions so well. If he isn't outraged over the abuse and traumatization of children why would he be concerned or even interested in alleviating human suffering.
If anyone is interested in learning more about the Sembler Company, below are the links to the "contact" information page as well as the "contact form" page.
Now, I'm sure that Mel and Betty Sembler have no idea who I am and part of me hopes it stays that way. I understand that the claims that I am making, can be viewed as inflammatory, it is however information that I believe needs to be disseminated.
Cannabis reform is a moral imperative. I believe that " If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor"
#EducateNormalizeLegalize #IntentionsMatter #StopTheHarm